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Dienstag - Bodensee

English language

It´s Tuesday today and we started a day cheerfully. After breakfast we started with warming up and getting ready for a day.
Breakfast / Petit dejeuner / Frühstück

 First we played a game to see where are we from. So we made a little map of the world and our task was to stand on the place where our country is. We travelled from Syria, Pakistan, Russia across Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Germany, France, to Canada.

Bosanski jezik/ Bosnian language

Utorak je, i ekipa je raspoložena započela sa radom. Nakon doručka, počelo je zagrijavanje i priprema za dan. Prvo smo se uz kratku igru upoznali sa  mjestima iz kojih dolazimo. Putovali smo od Sirije, Pakistana, Rusije, preko Bosne i Hercegovine, Austije, Njemačke, Francuske sve do Kanade.

Workshops / Atelies / Radionice                                                               

Poslije, uslijedile su radionice gdje smo se upoznavali sa stvarima koje volimo i želimo ispuniti u životu.
After that we did a workshop where we learned about each other, about things we like or don't like, and things we want to do.
Danach begannen die Workshops, wo wir einander besser kennenlernten. Sachen, die wir mögen und nicht mögen und Dinge, die wir tun möchten.


Abd and Huzaifa haben leckeren Couscous zum Mittagessen gemacht / Abd and Huzaifa made delicious couscous for lunch

Strand / Plage de Friedrichshafe / Plaži

Tako smo postali još bliži. Kao slag na tortu nakon dana ispunjenog radionicama otišli smo na jezero čije obale zahvataju grad Friedrichschafen. Tu smo boravili jedno čitavo popodne, igrali smo šah, UNO, plivali i zabavljali se. Nakon toga uputili smo se na večeru u obližnji restoran. Poslije večere održali smo malu, zabavnu igru pantomime. Svako je zapisao jednu riječ na papir i ubacio je u šešir. Nakon toga podijelili smo se u timove i svaki tim je imao jednu minutu za par koji je izašao i pokušavao gestikulacijom da objasni datu riječ. Igra je trajala sat vremena i nakon nje, vi sretni danom koji se već nalazio iza nas, otišli smo na spavanje.
Pouka dana : Ako ti život da limun napravi limunadu.
Like a cherry on the top, we spent our afternoon swimming in the lake, playing chess and UNO on the beach, and playing football. That was a real rest for a soul.  After that we went to the restaurant on the dinner where we ate delicious pizza. We ended our day with a social game, where we had to write a word on the paper and put it in the hat. We split up on two groups. Every pair from each group had one minute to describe a written word, but without using words. We learned how to communicate with others without using words.  The game lasted for an hour and after that, everyone happy, because of a day we had, went to sleep.
Message of the day: When a life gives you lemons, make lemonade.


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